Su pedagogia es un metodo cuya finalidad inmediata es la alfabetizacion y, en su dimension mas amplia, postula la educacion como practica de la libertad.
Nuestras vidas de pensamiento tienen un poder increíble sobre nuestro bienestar mental, emocional e incluso físico. De hecho, nuestros pensamientos pueden limitarnos a lo que creemos que podemos hacer o liberarnos para experimentar habilidades más allá de nuestras expectativas.
leading destination for smart management thinking
Mito del emprendimiento
A clear-eyed account of learning how to lead in a chaotic world, by General Jim Mattis
La Quinta Disciplina en la práctica es un libro para la acción, para poner manos a la obra y todo lo necesario para introducir los cambios requeridos y cultivar el aprendizaje colectivo.
Decidí que lo más importante era encontrar la manera de conseguir que un país funcionara sin petróleo.
The best leaders know how to communicate clearly and persuasively. How do you stack up?
The pace of change and the fluidity of most work structures means that it’s not really about creating effective teams anymore, but instead about leading effective teaming.
Put an end to miscommunication and inefficiency and tap into the strengths of your diverse team.
There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or influence.Those who lead inspire us.
Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That’s what makes this book a “must read”.
Si cada uno vive como habría que vivir, prosperaremos colectivamente.
Ask yourself this: If other people have overcome great odds, the doubts of others, and huge challenges to achieve the impossible. Why not you? This book is a step-by-step guide to first becoming an impossibility thinker and then an impossibility doer.
Por que “ir a la escuela” es una idea obsoleta. ¿ Qué te enseñan en la escuela acerca del dinero?
If you want to make a new contribution, you’ve got to make a whole new preparation.
Stephan Covey has long been a sure-footed guide to those desiring to better themselves. The 8th habit shows how to climb to the summit of fulfillment and achievement.
The purpose of this book is to help you lay a foundation to achieve your dreams. Many people have passion and a burning desire to achieve something more but need direction and assistance focusing their energy.
I want to encourage you to read this book with an open mind, but at the same time I challenge you to verify the validity of the timing that exists in a specific sector of the financial services industry mentioned in the book.
The purpose of this book is to start an important dialogue about college education. I will make a case for why I believe 70% of college students should dropout. The concept of giving our trust to the educational system without accountability has not worked. I believe it’s time to ask serious questions.
A master class in the alchemy of economic forecasting.
Tontos son aquellos que aprenden de la experiencia.Yo prefiero sacar provecho de la experiencia de otros.
Cuando haces cosas desde el alma, sientes un rio, un gozo que fluye en tu interior.
If you thought relationships were a matter of feelings, nothing more than feelings, think again.
La obra definitiva que recoge el pensamiento de la principal autoridad mundial en materia de estrategia y competencia.
Every day , there is a new question.
It’s financial education that enables people to process financial information and turn it into knowledge…and most people don’t have the financial education they need to take charge of their lives.
Learn why bad decisions happen to good managers and how to make better ones.
To innovate profitably, you need more than just creativity. Do you have what it takes?
Stop pushing products and start cultivating relationships with the right customers.
Realizdo a partir de los programas de MBA que siguen las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo.
Business is a Team Sport. Who’s on your team?
This is a book about management education that is about management. I believe that both are deeply troubled, but neither can be changed without changing the other.
This book attempts to identify and review evidence that can help answer the challenging question “ what works for whom”- in other words, which psychotherapeutic interventions are of demonstrated benefit to which patient groups?
Ever since the first settlement of Europeans in the New World America has been a magnet for people seeking adventure, fleeing from tyranny, or simply trying to make a better life for themselves and their children.
It is symbolic that Adam Smith’s masterpiece of economic analysis. The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence.
All living things, whether plants, animals, people or groups of people, exhibit patterns or cycles of development, moving from periods of vitality and growth, to periods of decay and disintegration.
We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
Aquel que quiera cambiar el mundo debe empezar por cambiarse a si mismo.
231.498,541 kilómetros recorridos 10.880 amaneceres y anocheceres 5.440 órbitas alrededor de la Tierra 340 días en el espacio.
Before I begin telling you what I think, I want to establish that I’m a “dumb shit” who doesn’t know much relative to what I need to know.
Transnational Management retains the most powerful existing cases and articles, while adding new material on emerging issues to keep courses fresh and students challenged.
Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage.
La sociologia del Derecho es una disciplina de la ciencia que se viene ocupando de las formas en que se organiza y simboliza la experiencia social a traves y a proposito de las estructuras normativas jurídicas.
For the one who, when I said, “ I need to climb one of the roughest mountains in the United States,” responded without a second’s hesitation, “ Me too. When do we go?”
Competitive Advantage introduces the concept of the value chain, a general framework for thinking strategically about the activities involved in any business and assessing their relative cost and role in differentiation.
Discover the life-changing principles of influence, empowerment, intuition, respect, and legacy that will transform your leadership and your life.
Como trabajar para un idiota no es tal vez un seminario al que los jefes enviarián con entusiasmo a sus empleados, pero al tratarse de un libro, el publico potencial de buscadores de venganza tremendamente motivados es gigantesco, y tan ubicuo como el oxígeno.
Economics may propose but politics dispose.
Skin in the game means that you do not pay attention to what people say, only to what they do, and to how much of their necks they are putting on the line.
There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the high point of human potential.
Todo lo que necesita saber para dominar el arte del management, de una manera accesible y practica. Josh Kaufman demuestra que, para triunfar, no es necesario pagar el dineral que vale un MBA.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution offers more than theories for making strategic organizational change. The authors explain not only the ´what´but also ´how´effective execution is achieved. They share numerous examples of companies that have done just that, not once, but over and over again. This is a book that every leader should read!
What you are today is not important… for in this runaway bestseller you will learn how to change your life by applying the secrets you are about to discover in the ancient scrolls.
Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? How much do parents really matter?
Emprender es hoy una tendencia de enorme importancia global.
Juro solemnemente que apoyaré y defenderé la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de todos su enemigos, extranjeros y nacionales; que seré fiel y leal a la misma; y que obedeceré las órdenes del Presidente de los Estados Unidos y las de los oficiales designados por encima de mí, de acuerdo con las regulaciones y el Código Uniforme de Justicia Militar con la ayuda de Dios.
In many developed countries, employee engagement is at an all-time low. It is past time for a turn-around.
Padre rico, Padre pobre es el punto de inicio para cualquiera que desee asumir el control de su futuro financiero.
The secrets of being productive in life and business.
Best practices of 5 successful companies.
It is customary for such as seek a Prince’s favour, to present themselves before him with those things of theirs which they themselves most value, or in which they perceive him chiefly to delight.
Anyone can become angry that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way. This is not easy.
Do you think I’m insane?
Los trece pasos hacia la riqueza descritos en este libro ofrecen la mas breve filosofia confiable del exito individual jamas presentada para el beneficio de los hombres o las mujeres que estan buscando una meta definida en la vida.
Every chapter of this book mentions the money-making secret that has made fortunes for more than 500 exceedingly wealthy people whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years.
To the entrepreneurs of today who struggle, strive, and succeed and to the entrepreneurs of tomorrow who will see opportunities where others see only obstacles….Visionaries all who act boldly and leave their unique imprint, their Midus Touch, on the economic landscape of out world.
Challenges the way we think all over again. Critical thinking!
Business schools are wonderful places and yet, in hindsight, I am thankful I never went to one.
FASCINATING! Wonderfully practical film acting wisdom, all put in the best Caine style.
Este libro habla de las potencialidades de la libertad economia, de las modernizaciones pendientes en la estructura productiva del pais y de algunos grandes desafios de la sociedad chilena para el futuro.
“ I like thinking big. I always have. To me it’s very simple: If you’re going to be thinking anyways, you might as well think big.”
Go after the job you want and get it! Take the job you have and improve it! Take any situation and make it work for you!
“ La filosofia de Kant es una de esas adquisiciones eternas, que es preciso conservar para poder ser otra cosa mas alla” J.Ortega y Gasset
Deciding to spend the rest of your life with someone is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make.
The team at the John Maxwell Company: You fulfill my vision, you extend my influence, and you make me better than I am. Your work is helping others to maximize their potential and impact their world.
“Gladwell always had an eye for good stories, but The New Yorker he gained the confidence to use these stories to say something larger about American culture.”
The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn. Luther.
She learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement.
The story of Samson is a perfect vehicle to reveal the twelve tendencies that can bring down strong men.
The best players know that golf is a game of confidence, and most important, concentration. The ability to focus and block out distraction.
Who said it could not be done? And what great victories has he to his credit which qualify him to judge others accurately?
Explains what established businesses, public service institutions, and new ventures need to know and do to succeed in today’s economy.
For Buffet, managers are stewards of stakeholders capital. The best managers think like owners in making business decisions.
The business man is not only interested in his partner for social and friendly reasons, success in business necessitates an interest in his personality and a knowledge of his habits.
1. Start thy purse to fattening 2. Control thy expenditures 3. make thy gold multiply 4. Guard thy treasures from loss 5. make of thy dwelling a profitable investment 6. insure a future income 7. increase thy ability to earn.
This amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive book synthesizes the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz with the historical legacies of statesmen, warriors, seducers, and con men throughout the ages.
Offers a broad view of leadership and shareholder value based on multiple business disciplines
Durant eloquently defends his choices of the greatest minds and ideas.
Reinventar las organizaciones de Frederic Laloux ha sacudido por completo el debate dominante en el ámbito del management al plantear la emergencia de un modelo organizativo radicalmente más productivo y más humano que aquellos a los que estamos acostumbrados. ¡Descubre cómo es el trabajo del futuro!
what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind?
Raising positive, drug-free kids in a negative world is not easy, but in the long run it’s easier than raising negative ones. Now, the bestselling motivational author reveals his simple prescription for success with children, step by positive step.
Creo que experimentar y vivir este nuevo enfoque aporta una gran claridad y sosiego en el negocio y la toma de decisiones de todos los días, lo que nos lleva al éxito y equilibrio personal.
Para que Google cambie el mundo (o incluso para sobrevivir), Page y Brin tuvieron que aprender a tomar decisiones difíciles sobre las prioridades y mantener a su equipo en el camino correcto.
El resultado es un plan para líderes y gerentes de negocios con visión de futuro que los ayudará a crear culturas, equipos y empresas de mayor rendimiento y movimiento más rápido.
El hombre que resolvió el mercado es un retrato de un Midas moderno que rehizo los mercados a su propia imagen, pero no anticipó cómo su éxito afectaría a su empresa y su país.
Provocador, riguroso y fascinante, Range presenta un argumento convincente para cultivar activamente la ineficiencia.
Lo que haces es quién eres explica cómo hacer que tu cultura tenga un propósito al destacar cuatro modelos de liderazgo y construcción de cultura
Lencioni revela las cinco disfunciones que van al corazón de por qué los equipos, incluso los mejores, a menudo luchan.
El libro pretende que aquellas personas que ocupan posiciones de responsabilidad en el área de recursos humanos aborden los problemas y sus soluciones como lo haría un buen director general.
Presenta el estudio de los temas que conforman la economia, utilizando para ello un estilo ameno y accesible para quienes no han tenido contacto previo con la materia.
El uso estratégico de la información financiera para apoyar los procesos de toma de decisiones en las organizaciones. La sólida relación entre la información financiera y los requisitos de gobierno corporativo en las empresas.
Este revolucionario texto proporciona herramientas y procesos necesarios para aplicar realmente los aspectos del marketing estratégico en el actual mundo de las empresas.
A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere:
It addresses these issues using empirical evidence, the Changing Academic ProfessionCAP data.
Globalization, the information age, and the rise of the knowledge-based economy are significantly transforming the way we acquire, disseminate, and transform knowledge.
Este libro, análisis de tal huida, se centra en el concepto de la enajenación y presenta la alianza entre la psicología patológica y la ética humanista.
Con este libro valiente, que es una celebración de la libertad y la herejía, el intelectual chileno
el presente libro es un curso de actualización de filosofía de la ciencia.
anguage Learning with Technology is for teachers interested in integrating technology into their classroom practice.
la rebelión de las masas, pasa por ser uno de los hechos positivos más importantes del siglo XX clave para comprender la realidad histórica pasada y presente dada la vigencia de planteamientos formulados hace 70 años.
Barack Obama narra la historia de su sorprendente evolución de ser un joven en busca de su identidad a convertirse en líder del mundo occidental,
Today millions of students, parents, and teachers use the Khan Academy’s free videos and software, which have expanded to encompass nearly every conceivable subject
¿Por qué deberíamos prestar atención a los grandes críticos sociales como Marx?
Este libro, que ofrece sugerencias para corregir la deshumanización de los niños afroamericanos, explica cómo garantizar que los niños afroamericanos crezcan y se conviertan en hombres fuertes, comprometidos y responsables.
Control del pensamiento en sociedades democráticas
Cleaver escribe en Soul on Ice: “Soy perfectamente consciente de que estoy en prisión, que soy negro, que he sido un violador y que tengo una educación superior.
Ya famoso en toda Europa, este bestseller internacional explora archivos recientemente abiertos en el antiguo bloque soviético para revelar los logros reales y prácticos del comunismo en todo el mundo: terror, tortura, hambre, deportaciones masivas y masacres.
Dos décadas después de la publicación de El libro negro del comunismo, casi todo el mundo es o al menos debería ser consciente del inmenso mal producido por esa ideología diabólica nacida por primera vez cuando Karl Marx escribió su Manifiesto Comunista hace dos siglos.
En Los cuatro acuerdos, el autor superventas don Miguel Ruiz revela la fuente de creencias autolimitantes que nos roban la alegría y crean sufrimiento innecesario.
La nueva introducción de Richard Smoley, un célebre estudioso de las tradiciones místicas, lo convierte en un recuerdo histórico.
Con su accesible compendio de filosofía y progreso social, los Durant nos llevan en un viaje a través de la historia, explorando las posibilidades y limitaciones de la humanidad a lo largo del tiempo.
Este es un libro histórico en el pensamiento social, en la misma liga que La riqueza de las naciones de Adam Smith y La interpretación de los sueños de Sigmund Freud “.
Durante mucho tiempo una figura icónica para los radicales, Huey Newton está siendo descubierto ahora por aquellos interesados en la historia de los movimientos sociales de Estados Unidos. ¿Era un líder talentoso de su pueblo o un forajido peligroso? ¿Fueron los Black Panthers héroes o terroristas?
A powerful study of the women’s liberation movement in the U.S., from abolitionist days to the present, that demonstrates how it has always been hampered by the racist and classist biases of its leaders.
Rastreando el nacimiento de un revolucionario, la famosa y frecuentemente citada autobiografía de Huey P. Newton es tanto un manifiesto como un retrato del círculo íntimo del Partido Pantera Negra de Estados Unidos.
Tu cerebro siempre está escuchando y respondiendo a estas influencias ocultas y, a menos que las reconozcas y las manejes, pueden robar tu felicidad, estropear tus relaciones y sabotear tu salud.
¿Como nos adaptamos a los cambios climaticos en tiempos de cambios son cuestionados con contradicciones de multiples organizaciones?